The Heartfelt Massage
Experience a blissful one hour massage being fully nurtured and supported while we use our healing hands to help you relax and soothe your aches and pains.
Included in your Heartfelt Massage are exquisite aromatherapy oils, flower essences, and sound therapy. Before the massage, we will set an intention with you to further enhance your session.
Take home a beautiful complimentary crystal that will be set with your intention.
This massage can be tailored to one of the following specialities. Please advise when booking which you would prefer.
- Pregnancy. This nurturing massage will help alleviate pregnancy aches and pains and in particular pelvis, hip, SPD and pelvic girdle pain. Instigating deep relaxation and stress-release.
- Postnatal. This recovery massage will help to realign your body after the physiological changes of pregnancy and childbirth. Bodywork is done down on the tummy to help close the separation, whilst realigning the uterus.
- Mama. For all mamas, a deep healing massage, working on your body to instigate deep relaxation and soothing aches and pains.
- Baby. Soothing and relaxing your baby with massage touch therapy. In this session, we also teaches the parents how to massage their baby.