Unspoken Emotional Journey of Postpartum: How to Heal Beyond the Physical

Postpartum recovery is often seen through a physical lens—healing from birth, managing sleep deprivation, and adapting to the demands of motherhood. But what about the emotional side? While your body is healing, your mind is also undergoing a significant transformation. This emotional journey is often unspoken, leaving many new mums feeling isolated in their struggles. Feelings of identity loss, overwhelming pressure, or even sadness can take you by surprise.

In this blog, we’ll explore the emotional aspects of postpartum recovery, why it’s crucial to acknowledge them, and how to heal beyond the physical. You’re not alone on this journey, and healing emotionally is just as important as physical recovery.

1. The Silent Emotional Struggles of Postpartum

The first few weeks and months after birth can feel like an emotional whirlwind. While you may feel joy and love for your baby, other emotions like anxiety, guilt, and a sense of loss can creep in. These feelings are common but often go unspoken. Here are some silent emotional struggles that many mums face:

Feelings of Isolation:

Becoming a mother can feel incredibly isolating, especially if your focus is constantly on the baby. You might miss your pre-motherhood self or feel disconnected from friends and social circles. The shift from independence to full-time caregiving can be overwhelming.

Identity Shifts:

Motherhood transforms you, and while this can be beautiful, it also means grappling with a new identity. Many women struggle with a sense of loss for who they were before becoming a mum. This shift can bring about feelings of confusion or a longing for the life they once had.

The Pressure to “Bounce Back”:

Societal pressure to quickly “bounce back” physically and emotionally can leave you feeling inadequate if you’re not “back to normal” within a few weeks. Postpartum bodies and emotions take time to heal, and there is no rush to return to your pre-pregnancy self—physically or emotionally.

Postpartum Anxiety or Depression:

For some mums, the emotional toll of postpartum may manifest as anxiety or depression. Feeling persistently overwhelmed, tearful, or disconnected from your baby are signs that emotional support is needed.

These struggles are part of the postpartum journey, and they deserve to be acknowledged. Healing emotionally is a critical step toward feeling balanced and grounded in this new chapter.

2. The Importance of Emotional Acknowledgement

Many women are so focused on physical healing after birth that they overlook their emotional well-being. However, your emotions are just as vital to your postpartum recovery. Ignoring feelings of sadness, stress, or loss can lead to burnout, or even postpartum depression or anxiety.

Why Emotional Healing Matters:

Emotional health affects your ability to bond with your baby, communicate with your partner, and take care of yourself. When you acknowledge your emotions, you give yourself permission to heal in a deeper way. It’s not selfish to focus on your emotional needs—doing so can help you show up as a more present and loving mother.

How to Begin Acknowledging Emotions:

  • Talk About It: Share your feelings with someone you trust—a friend, family member, or a professional. Simply verbalizing your emotions can bring relief and validation.
  • Journaling: Writing down your feelings can help you process and make sense of your emotional journey. It’s a private, reflective way to understand what’s going on internally.

Acknowledging and talking about your emotions creates space for healing and acceptance.

3. How Massage Supports Emotional Well-Being

Postpartum massage is often thought of as a way to ease physical discomfort, but its benefits go far beyond that. Massage can play a key role in supporting emotional healing by offering much-needed self-care and emotional release.

1. Reducing Stress and Tension:

The physical act of massage helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol, which can ease feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. As your body relaxes, your mind does too, giving you a chance to reconnect with yourself.

2. Promoting Emotional Balance:

Massage increases serotonin and dopamine—your body’s natural mood enhancers. These hormones help improve emotional balance, leaving you feeling calmer and more in control of your emotions after a session.

3. A Time to Reconnect with Yourself:

Postpartum massage provides more than just relief—it offers you a rare moment to focus on yourself. In the early months of motherhood, your time and energy are often dedicated to your baby. Taking this time for massage helps you reconnect with your own needs, offering emotional space and a break from the demands of caregiving.

At Maternal Grounding, our postpartum massage services are designed to support both your physical recovery and emotional well-being. It’s a safe space for you to relax, release tension, and process your feelings.

4. Mindful Practices for Emotional Balance

In addition to massage, mindful practices can help you navigate the emotional journey of postpartum. Here are a few simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine to support emotional balance:

1. Practice Deep Breathing:

Deep, intentional breathing is one of the easiest ways to calm the mind. When you feel overwhelmed, take a few moments to breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for six. Repeat this several times to help center your emotions.

2. Be Kind to Yourself:

It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you feel like you’re not “doing enough” as a mum. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Recognize that you’re doing your best, and that’s enough.

3. Take Small Breaks:

Even five minutes of quiet time can make a world of difference. Whether it’s a short walk, a cup of tea, or simply sitting quietly, give yourself permission to step away and recharge. These small moments of mindfulness help you reset emotionally.

Conclusion: Embracing Your Postpartum Journey

Postpartum healing is about more than just your physical recovery—it’s about honoring the emotional journey as well. Acknowledging your emotions, seeking support, and taking time for self-care through massage and mindfulness can help you heal fully, both inside and out.

You don’t have to rush this process. The postpartum period is a time of transformation, and it’s okay to take the time you need to adjust, heal, and embrace the new chapter of motherhood.

If you’re ready to focus on your emotional and physical well-being, consider booking a postpartum massage with Maternal Grounding. We’re here to support you every step of the way on your healing journey.

Click here to book your postpartum massage today!

The Fourth Trimester: Why Postpartum Care Is Just as Important as Prenatal Care

You’ve spent months preparing for your baby’s arrival—countless appointments, prenatal classes, and self-care routines to support a healthy pregnancy. But what happens after your baby is born? The first few months after birth, often referred to as the fourth trimester, are a critical yet often overlooked phase of motherhood. During this time, your body is healing from the physical demands of birth, while you’re adjusting emotionally to life with a newborn.

Postpartum care is just as important as prenatal care, if not more so. In this blog, we’ll explore why the fourth trimester requires dedicated attention and how taking care of yourself can lead to a smoother recovery and a more balanced transition into motherhood.

1. What Is the Fourth Trimester?

The fourth trimester refers to the first 12 weeks after childbirth. During this time, both you and your baby are adjusting to a whole new world. Your baby is getting used to life outside the womb, while your body is healing, hormonally shifting, and learning how to function in this new chapter of life.

Many new mums are so focused on their newborns that they forget to care for themselves. But this postpartum period is crucial for your recovery—both physically and emotionally. Your body is still adjusting, and the demands of motherhood can easily lead to exhaustion and overwhelm.

2. Physical Healing After Birth: Why Your Body Needs Time

Whether you had a vaginal birth or a C-section, your body has been through an intense experience, and it needs time to recover. Here’s why postpartum care is essential for your physical recovery:

Hormonal Shifts:

The hormone levels that supported your pregnancy are now dropping quickly, which can lead to fatigue, mood swings, and other challenges like hair loss or night sweats.

Tissue Repair:

Your body is healing from childbirth, whether that’s from vaginal tears, perineal stitches, or a C-section incision. Supporting this healing process through proper rest and care is crucial.

Muscle Recovery:

Pregnancy and birth put a significant strain on your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Without proper care, this can lead to issues like back pain, incontinence, or diastasis recti (abdominal separation).

Postpartum massage can play a key role in aiding your physical recovery, promoting circulation, reducing swelling, and easing muscle tension, allowing your body to heal more effectively.

3. Emotional Support During the Fourth Trimester

Beyond the physical recovery, the emotional changes during the postpartum period can be overwhelming. The drastic hormonal shifts combined with the demands of a newborn can lead to mood swings, irritability, and sometimes even postpartum depression or anxiety. Here’s why emotional care is so important:

Baby Blues:

Many mums experience “baby blues,” which typically last for a couple of weeks. These feelings of sadness or moodiness are often due to the rapid hormonal changes after birth. While they are normal, taking care of your emotional well-being can help you manage them better.

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety:

For some mums, these feelings don’t go away. Postpartum depression and anxiety can manifest as persistent sadness, extreme worry, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. Seeking support from family, friends, or a professional is essential if these feelings persist.

The Importance of Connection:

In the whirlwind of caring for a newborn, it’s easy to feel isolated. Connecting with others—whether it’s friends, family, or other new mums—can help you feel supported and understood.

Mindful practices like meditation or deep breathing can also support emotional well-being, helping you feel more grounded as you adjust to your new role as a mother.

4. The Benefits of Postpartum Massage

While prenatal massage is often emphasised during pregnancy, postpartum massage is just as important. Here’s how it can support your recovery during the fourth trimester:

1. Eases Muscle Tension and Pain:

Caring for a newborn can lead to muscle tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. Postpartum massage can help release these tight muscles, easing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

2. Supports Hormonal Balance:

The fourth trimester is marked by significant hormonal shifts, and massage can help stimulate your lymphatic system, which supports hormone regulation and can help ease mood swings and emotional tension.

3. Reduces Swelling and Improves Circulation:

Your body often retains extra fluid after childbirth, leading to swelling, especially in the legs and feet. Massage stimulates circulation, helping your body flush out excess fluids and reduce swelling.

4. Enhances Emotional Well-Being:

Taking time for a postpartum massage isn’t just about physical recovery; it’s also about nurturing your emotional well-being. The soothing effects of massage help reduce stress, increase relaxation, and give you a much-needed break to focus on yourself.

5. Practical Postpartum Care Tips

Here are a few simple yet effective ways to support your recovery and well-being during the fourth trimester:

1. Prioritise Rest and Sleep:

Sleep may be hard to come by with a newborn, but it’s essential for your recovery. Try to rest whenever your baby naps, and don’t hesitate to ask for help so you can catch up on sleep.

2. Nourish Your Body:

A nutrient-rich diet is key to supporting your recovery and keeping your energy levels up. Focus on foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains, as well as hydration.

3. Book a Postpartum Massage:

As a specialist in postpartum massage, I’m here to support your healing journey. A postpartum massage can help with muscle recovery, relaxation, and emotional balance, making it an essential part of your care routine. Click here to book your postpartum massage today!

4. Stay Connected:

It’s easy to feel isolated in the fourth trimester. Make time for short catch-ups with friends or family, or connect with a local mothers’ group for support and understanding.

The fourth trimester is a time of immense change, both physically and emotionally. Just as you took care of yourself during pregnancy, it’s essential to prioritise your postpartum care to support your recovery and well-being. From physical healing to emotional support, taking care of yourself during this period will help you feel stronger and more balanced as you step into motherhood.

Remember, you deserve just as much care and attention in the fourth trimester as you did throughout your pregnancy. Whether it’s through postpartum massage, nourishing foods, or simply resting when you can, these self-care practices are essential for your recovery.

Ready to focus on your postpartum healing? Book your postpartum massage today and give your body and mind the support they need during this transformative time.

Coping with the Emotional Rollercoaster of Pregnancy: How Massage and Mindfulness Can Help

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it’s also filled with emotional highs and lows. For many expectant mums, feelings of joy, excitement, and anticipation can quickly shift to anxiety, frustration, or even sadness. The emotional rollercoaster is completely normal as your body undergoes hormonal changes, and the reality of becoming a mother begins to set in. However, it can also feel overwhelming, especially when those emotions catch you off guard.

The good news is that there are ways to navigate these emotional shifts with more ease and balance. In this blog, we’ll explore how pregnancy massage and mindfulness can be powerful tools to help you manage the emotional challenges of pregnancy, allowing you to feel more grounded, relaxed, and connected to both your body and baby.


Understanding the Emotional Ups and Downs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy hormones, particularly progesterone and estrogen, play a key role in mood swings. These hormones fluctuate significantly, especially in the first and third trimesters, which can cause sudden shifts in your emotional state. Here are some common emotionsexperience:• Anxiety: Worries about the health of your baby, the birth process, or future parenting responsibilities can feel all-consuming at times.
• Irritability: Hormonal changes can lead to heightened sensitivity, making you feel irritable or frustrated, sometimes without a clear reason.
• Joy and Excitement: Many women feel overjoyed at the thought of becoming a mum, but this happiness can be quickly followed by moments of doubt or fear.
• Sadness or Moodiness: Hormones can also lead to feelings of sadness, which might feel confusing if you’re otherwise excited about your pregnancy.

These emotional fluctuations are normal, but it’s important to have tools in place to manage them in a healthy way. This is where pregnancy massage and mindfulness can play a vital role in emotional well-being.


How Pregnancy Massage Helps Regulate Emotions

Massage therapy is often thought of as purely physical relief, but it can also provide profound emotional benefits during pregnancy. Here’s how:

1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety:

Pregnancy massage lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can help calm your nervous system and reduce feelings of anxiety. The gentle, rhythmic touch of massage promotes relaxation, helping your mind and body unwind.

2. Releasing Feel-Good Hormones:

Massage increases the production of serotonin and dopamine—your body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. These hormones help improve mood and promote a sense of well-being, offering relief from mood swings and emotional discomfort.

3. Easing Physical Tension and Discomfort:

The physical discomforts of pregnancy, like back pain or swollen legs, can contribute to emotional stress. By addressing these physical issues, pregnancy massage helps alleviate emotional tension as well, making you feel lighter both physically and mentally.

4. Encouraging Mind-Body Connection:

Massage encourages you to tune in to your body, helping you stay present and connected to your growing baby. This mind-body connection is crucial in managing emotional ups and downs and helps create a sense of calm and empowerment throughout your pregnancy.


Mindfulness as an Emotional Anchor During Pregnancy

Mindfulness—the practice of staying present and aware in the moment—can be incredibly effective in helping you manage the emotional challenges of pregnancy. Here’s how incorporating mindfulness can help you cope:

1. Building Emotional Awareness:

Mindfulness helps you recognise and accept your emotions without judgment. Instead of trying to push away feelings of anxiety or sadness, mindfulness teaches you to observe them with compassion, allowing you to process emotions more calmly.

2. Reducing Overwhelm:

When emotions feel intense, it’s easy to get caught in a cycle of worry or overthinking. Mindfulness practices, like deep breathing or body scans, help ground you in the present moment, reducing feelings of overwhelm and bringing a sense of clarity.

3. Focusing on Positive Thoughts:

Regular mindfulness practice can help you focus on positive emotions and gratitude, even during challenging moments. By practicing mindfulness, you train your mind to stay present with positive experiences, which helps balance out the emotional rollercoaster.

4. Strengthening the Connection with Your Baby:

Practicing mindfulness can also help you connect with your baby. By slowing down and tuning into your body and emotions, you create space to acknowledge your bond with your baby and prepare for motherhood in a grounded, present way.


Simple Ways to Incorporate Pregnancy Massage and Mindfulness into Your Routine

1. Book Regular Pregnancy Massages with Maternal Grounding:

As a certified pregnancy massage therapist at Maternal Grounding, I offer specialised pregnancy massages designed to support both your physical and emotional well-being. Regular sessions can help you manage stress, ease physical discomfort, and maintain emotional balance. Click here to book your pregnancy massage today!

2. Practice Daily Deep Breathing:

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by emotions, take a few moments to practice deep, mindful breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of four, then exhale through your mouth for a count of six. This practice can quickly reduce stress and help regulate your emotions.

3. Listen to Guided Meditations for Pregnancy:

Take advantage of our Maternal Grounding Meditations, specifically created to support your emotional and physical well-being during pregnancy. Set aside just 10 minutes a day to listen, relax, and reconnect with yourself and your baby through these mindful, soothing meditations.

4. Create a Relaxing Evening Ritual:

Incorporate both massage and mindfulness into a calming evening routine. Use a gentle belly massage with soothing oils to connect with your baby, followed by a few minutes of quiet reflection or journaling to process your emotions from the day.

Pregnancy is a time of profound emotional shifts, but it’s possible to navigate these changes with more ease by incorporating pregnancy massage and mindfulness into your routine. Both practices help reduce stress, connect you to your body and baby, and provide the emotional support you need to feel grounded and balanced.

Remember, taking care of your emotional health is just as important as nurturing your physical well-being during pregnancy. By making space for self-care, you’ll be better equipped to embrace all the joys and challenges of this incredible journey.

Ready to feel more balanced and supported? Book a pregnancy massage today with Maternal Grounding and experience the emotional and physical benefits for yourself!

Emotional Burnout in Motherhood: Recognising the Signs and How to Reclaim Your Energy

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy, and endless responsibilities. But the constant demands of parenting, juggling household tasks, and managing the emotional needs of your family can lead to emotional burnout. This isn’t just about feeling tired—it’s about reaching a point where even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming, and the joy of motherhood seems out of reach.

If you’ve been feeling drained, irritable, or disconnected, you’re not alone. Emotional burnout is a common challenge that many mums face, but it’s important to address it before it takes a toll on your well-being. This blog will help you recognise the signs of emotional burnout and offer practical strategies to reclaim your energy and find balance.

1. Understanding Emotional Burnout in Motherhood

Why It Matters:

Emotional burnout occurs when the ongoing stress of managing daily responsibilities outweighs your ability to cope, leaving you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and emotionally detached. It’s not just about physical fatigue—it’s a state of mental and emotional depletion that can impact every aspect of your life.

Signs of Emotional Burnout:

  • Irritability and Overwhelm: Feeling easily frustrated, anxious, or on edge over small things.
  • Loss of Interest: No longer finding joy in activities you used to enjoy or feeling disconnected from your passions.
  • Decision-Making Struggles: Difficulty making even simple decisions, feeling mentally foggy or indecisive.
  • Emotional Numbness: Feeling disconnected from your family or emotionally flat, unable to engage fully.
  • Persistent Guilt: Constantly feeling like you’re not doing enough or that you’re failing as a mum.

Recognising these signs is the first step toward managing burnout and taking back control of your emotional well-being.


The Impact of Burnout on You and Your Family

Emotional burnout doesn’t just affect you—it impacts your entire family dynamic. When you’re emotionally depleted, it’s harder to be patient, attentive, and fully present with your loved ones. Burnout can lead to increased tension at home, frequent arguments, and a cycle of guilt and frustration that’s difficult to break.

Prioritising your emotional health isn’t just self-care; it’s essential for creating a balanced, loving environment for your family. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to care for those you love.


Practical Strategies to Combat Emotional Burnout

Here are some actionable steps to help you manage and overcome emotional burnout:

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Motherhood often comes with pressure to be the perfect mum, partner, and friend. It’s important to let go of unrealistic expectations and focus on what truly matters. You don’t have to do it all—prioritise tasks that bring value to your day and let go of the rest.
  • Incorporate Massage as a Key Self-Care Strategy: Massage is more than just a luxury; it’s a powerful tool to help you reconnect with your body, reduce stress, and alleviate the physical symptoms of burnout. Regular massage sessions can help lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone), improve mood, and boost overall emotional well-being. Massage provides a dedicated time to relax, unwind, and focus on yourself—something that’s often missing in the busy life of a mum. Whether it’s a full-body massage or a targeted treatment for tension in your neck and shoulders, this hands-on therapy can be a game-changer in managing emotional burnout.
  • Create Micro-Moments of Self-Care: Self-care doesn’t have to mean hours away from your responsibilities. Even small moments—like enjoying a hot cup of tea, taking a few deep breaths, or spending five minutes stretching—can help reset your mind and body. These micro-moments can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.
  • Establish Boundaries and Learn to Say No: Saying yes to every request can quickly lead to overwhelm. Set clear boundaries around your time and energy, and don’t be afraid to say no to commitments that don’t serve you or your family. Protecting your peace is a vital part of managing burnout.
  • Connect with Supportive People: Isolation can intensify feelings of burnout. Reach out to friends, family, or local support groups who understand what you’re going through. Sometimes, just talking about your feelings can lighten the emotional load you’re carrying.
  • Prioritise Sleep and Rest: Sleep is crucial for emotional resilience, but it’s often sacrificed in the busyness of motherhood. Create a bedtime routine that helps you wind down, and aim to prioritise rest—even if it’s just a short nap. Quality sleep can significantly improve your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress.


Reclaiming Your Energy: Finding Joy in Small Moments

Rediscovering joy in everyday moments can help lift the fog of burnout. It doesn’t have to be a big event—small, simple pleasures can reignite your sense of fulfillment. Spend time doing activities that bring you happiness, like reading a book, gardening, or treating yourself to a rejuvenating massage. These pockets of joy are vital to replenishing your emotional reserves and reminding you of the positives in your life.


Emotional burnout in motherhood is real, but it doesn’t have to define your journey. By recognising the signs and taking proactive steps to care for yourself, you can start to reclaim your energy and find balance. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for you and your family. You deserve to feel supported, fulfilled, and energised every step of the way.

Motherhood is a marathon, not a sprint. Give yourself grace, take one step at a time, and know that you’re doing an amazing job. You’ve got this, Mama!

Embracing Your C-Section Scar: A Journey to Emotional and Physical Healing

Hey Mama,

Having a C-section is a unique and powerful part of your birth story. Whether it was planned or unexpected, the scar left behind often carries a mix of emotions. Your C-section scar is more than just a physical mark—it’s a testament to your strength and the journey you’ve been on.

Healing from a C-section isn’t just about physical recovery; it’s also about embracing your scar, processing your emotions, and reconnecting with your body. This guide will walk you through practical steps to support your emotional healing and help you feel more connected to your body.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of a C-Section

A C-section is a major surgery, and it’s normal to have mixed feelings about the experience. Many mums feel a range of emotions, from gratitude and relief to disappointment, grief, or anxiety. These emotions are valid and worth acknowledging.

Common Emotional Responses to a C-Section:

  • Disappointment or Grief: Feeling sadness or frustration over not having the birth experience you envisioned.
  • Body Image Concerns: Feeling self-conscious about your scar or struggling to accept the changes in your body.
  • Feeling Disconnected: The combination of surgery and new motherhood can make you feel distant from your own body.

Acknowledging these emotions is the first step toward healing. Your feelings do not diminish your journey; they are part of it.

How to Support Your Emotional Healing After a C-Section

Here are some practical steps to help you embrace your scar and reconnect with your body:

1. Process Your Emotions and Share Your Story

Give yourself permission to feel your emotions and talk about your birth experience. Sharing your story with a trusted friend, partner, or support group can help you feel seen and understood.

  • Journaling: Write down your birth story and your feelings about your C-section. This can help you process your emotions and find clarity.
  • Talk About It: Sharing your experience with others can provide emotional relief and a sense of community.

2. Embrace Your Scar as a Symbol of Strength

Your scar is not a flaw; it’s a mark of your resilience and the incredible journey you’ve been on.

  • Positive Affirmations: Replace negative thoughts with affirmations like, “My scar shows my strength” or “I am proud of my journey.” This simple shift can help change how you see your scar.

3. Reconnect with Your Body

Reclaiming your body after a C-section can help you feel more grounded and in control.

  • Gentle Movement: Engage in light activities like stretching or yoga to help you feel connected and reduce tension. Moving your body intentionally supports both physical and emotional healing.

4. Find Support and Community

Connecting with other mums who have had C-sections can help you feel less alone.

  • Support Groups: Look for local or online communities where mums share their C-section stories. These spaces provide understanding and support as you navigate your emotions.

5. Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care

Be kind to yourself as you heal. Self-compassion is about treating yourself with the same care you would offer a friend.

  • Mindfulness: Take a few moments each day to breathe deeply and centre yourself. Mindfulness can help you manage anxiety and stay present.
  • Create Simple Self-Care Rituals: Even small acts like enjoying a cup of tea, reading a book, or taking a quiet moment can make a big difference in how you feel.

The Benefits of C-Section Scar Massage

C-section scar massage isn’t just about the physical appearance—it’s a powerful tool for emotional healing. Massage helps improve circulation, reduce adhesions, and decrease discomfort, making you feel more connected to your body.

Book Your C-Section Scar Massage Today!

If you’re ready to embrace your scar and support your healing journey, consider booking a specialised C-section scar massage. Our tailored massages focus on your unique needs, helping you reconnect with your body, reduce discomfort, and celebrate your strength.

Click here to book your C-Section scar massage and start your healing journey!

Healing from a C-section is a deeply personal journey. By embracing your scar, processing your emotions, and nurturing your body, you can find peace with your birth experience and celebrate your resilience. Your scar is a testament to your strength, and you deserve to feel proud of every step you’ve taken.

Take the next step in your healing journey and book your C-section scar massage today—you deserve it.

Postpartum Healing

The Journey to Postpartum Healing: Nurturing Yourself After Birth

Postpartum Healing

The Journey to Postpartum Healing: Nurturing Yourself After Birth

Bringing a new life into the world is nothing short of miraculous. But, as we all know, the journey doesn’t end once your baby is born. In fact, in many ways, it’s just beginning—especially for your body. Postpartum healing is an essential phase that deserves as much attention and care as pregnancy itself.

As a mum, you’ve just been through one of the most physically and emotionally demanding experiences of your life. Yet, the focus often shifts entirely to the newborn, leaving many mums feeling neglected or even guilty for wanting to care for themselves. But here’s the truth: Postpartum healing is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. In this blog, we’re going to dive into why healing after childbirth is so important, the challenges you may face, and how you can help your body recover in a nurturing and holistic way.

Why Postpartum Healing is Crucial

Your body goes through enormous changes during pregnancy and birth, from hormonal shifts to physical strains. During this time, muscles are stretched, organs shift, and joints are stressed. Once your baby is born, your body needs time and care to return to its new normal. Skipping proper postpartum care can lead to long-term issues such as chronic back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and lingering exhaustion.

Your recovery is vital, not just for your own health but for your ability to care for your baby. When you’re feeling well, rested, and less stressed, you’re in a better position to nurture and bond with your newborn.

Common Postpartum Challenges

Here are some of the most common issues new mums face in the weeks and months following birth:

  1. Physical Pain and TensionThe act of giving birth, whether vaginally or via C-section, is hard on your body. You may experience lingering pain in your back, neck, shoulders, and pelvis. This is often due to the physical exertion of childbirth, poor posture during breastfeeding, or muscle strain from carrying your baby.
  2. Fatigue and Sleep DeprivationSleep? What’s that? New mums often struggle to get proper rest, especially during the first few months. This constant lack of sleep can make it even harder for your body to heal.
  3. Emotional UpheavalYour hormones are all over the place after birth, which can lead to emotional ups and downs. Add the demands of caring for a newborn, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
  4. Pelvic Floor and Abdominal RecoveryPregnancy and childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles and stretch your abdominal muscles (leading to diastasis recti). This can cause discomfort, incontinence, or a feeling of weakness in your core.
  5. Mental Health StrugglesPostpartum depression and anxiety are real challenges many mums face. The pressure to “bounce back” combined with feelings of exhaustion and isolation can create a tough mental landscape to navigate.

Supporting Your Body’s Healing Process

So how can you best support your postpartum healing journey? The key is self-care—and no, that doesn’t mean simply squeezing in a quick nap (though that’s great too!). It means prioritising holistic recovery, nurturing your body and mind with the time and attention they need.

1. Prioritise Rest and Sleep

Easier said than done, right? While it can be tough, finding small windows to rest is vital. Sleep when your baby sleeps, and if possible, enlist help from your partner, family, or friends to watch your little one so you can nap. Your body needs rest to heal, and lack of sleep can slow down the recovery process.

2. Nourish Your Body

Fuel your recovery with healthy, nutrient-dense foods. Opt for whole foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and fibre. Hydration is equally important, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Good nutrition not only speeds up healing but also boosts your energy levels and mood.

3. Gentle Movement

Once you’ve received your doctor’s approval, gentle exercise like walking, stretching, or postpartum yoga can help restore your strength and improve your mood. Focusing on strengthening your core and pelvic floor muscles will also help ease discomfort and prevent long-term issues.

4. Postpartum Massage and Bodywork

This is where Maternal Grounding can make a huge difference. Postpartum massage is designed specifically to help your body heal and rejuvenate after birth. Our massage techniques can help:

  • Relieve muscle tension and pain, especially in your back, neck, and shoulders.
  • Restore circulation and improve lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling and fluid retention.
  • Ease stress and anxiety, promoting emotional balance.
  • Support your pelvic floor recovery by encouraging muscle relaxation and healing.

Postpartum massage isn’t just about relaxation (though that’s a wonderful side effect!). It’s about giving your body the care it needs to heal, restore, and rebuild after the physical and emotional demands of birth.

5. Focus on Emotional Wellness

Allow yourself to feel everything—joy, exhaustion, overwhelm—and understand that it’s normal. If you’re struggling emotionally, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Whether it’s through talking with a friend, joining a support group, or seeking professional help, it’s important to acknowledge and honour your emotional health.

Maternal Grounding: Your Partner in Postpartum Healing

At Maternal Grounding, we understand that postpartum healing is a journey. Our Postpartum Bodywork Package is designed to provide new mums with the physical and emotional support they need to feel whole again. Through nurturing touch and a deep understanding of the postpartum body, we aim to help you find relief from pain, restore your energy, and reconnect with yourself.

Remember, you’re not just recovering from birth; you’re beginning a new chapter in your life. And just as your baby deserves care, so do you. Let us walk with you on this journey to postpartum healing.

Ready to Prioritise Your Healing?

If you’re ready to give your body the care it needs after birth, book your Postpartum Bodywork Package today! You’ve taken care of your baby, now it’s time to take care of yourself.

massage pregnancy safe

Is Massage Safe in Pregnancy?

massage pregnancy safeIs Massage Safe in Pregnancy?

A very good questions and one that you should ask! Pregnancy comes with many changes to the body (and mind) and a massage can help support mamas during this time. But is massage safe in pregnancy? Are all stages of pregnancy safe for massage?

Let’s delve in and chat about it!

Pregnancy massage has been seen in many ancient cultures across the world, including Ayurvedic Medicine in India, so it’s definitely not a modern day treatment.

I studied with Pregnancy Massage Australia under Catherine McInerney who is one of Australia’s leading experts in pregnancy, labour and postnatal bodywork.

The general answer is yes, massage is safe in pregnancy, as long as it’s undertaken by a specialist.

Some massage therapists will not massage clients in the first trimester in particular but it is safe, as long as your therapist is qualified and skilled in pregnancy massage.

“Common misconception and myths that pregnant women should not receive a massage in the first trimester have been addressed by the AAMT with its decision agreeing to first trimester massage – but only if it is undertaken by a trained pregnancy massage practitioner.” Pregnancy Massage Australia

Sciatica and carpal tunnel pain can start early in pregnancy, so getting some relief with a massage treatment is a god-send for mamas. The nurturing and safe space to be held during a treatment is also really important for mamas who are feeling emotional and sensitive with the hormone changes.

A pregnancy massage specialist knows what to look for, what techniques to use and how to make the mama comfortable and safe for each stage of pregnancy.

Traditional massages involve you either lying on your back or on your stomach. In pregnancy, prolonged lying in these positions is not recommended, so it is really important that the correct positioning and support is used.

It is also important to communicate with your therapist and let them know of any medical issues or conditions you may be experiencing so they can adapt their treatment. And if at any time you feel uncomfortable or are in pain during a treatment, allow the therapist to assist you.

Some essential oils are contraindicated in pregnancy and can be dangerous. A pregnancy massage specialist will ensure only safe oils are used at each stage.

Finally, there are some parts of the body which should not be massaged during pregnancy and some which require a very light touch and definitely no deep tissue. So again, a specially trained massage therapist will be able to keep you safe at all times.

There are so many benefits of massage during pregnancy including:

  • improving sleep and rest
  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • reducing hip, back and shoulder pain
  • reducing headaches with hormonal changes
  • creating a mother-baby connection
  • improving mild nausea
  • reducing swelling
  • alleviating heartburn
  • improving circulation

I see all of these benefits first hand as a holistic maternal bodywork specialist, however I also found it interesting to read this study which found that women who received regular prenatal massage were found to have less premature labours, shorter labours with less need for medication and less pain and decreased depression and anxiety!

Just more reasons to give yourself the very best self care of mind, body and soul in pregnancy! Not only is massage safe in pregnancy, it is highly recommended.

You might like to support your pregnancy with some holistic products from our shop.

Much love,

Jess Ngaheu Pregnancy and Post Natal Massage SpecialistJess Ngaheu

Maternal Bodywork Specialist

Book A Session With Me Here


Source: Pregnancy Massage Australia

The Importance of Rest in Postpartum Care Postnal Recovery Newborn Baby

The Importance of Rest in Postpartum Care

The Importance of Rest in Postpartum Care Postnal Recovery Newborn Baby

The Importance of Rest in Postpartum Care


Over the weekend I started a four month immersion course called Yin Sanctuary and it really reminded me of the importance of rest in postpartum care.

The course is all about learning ancient wisdom, herbal medicine and ancestral traditional ways of postpartum care from the elders.

The day started with learning how to cook a Ayurvedic Meal for lunch which was put in the slow cooker, filled with vegetables and herbs. Then we learnt a traditional Japanese breakfast which consisted of miso soup and egg whilst layered in the most beautiful herbs.

It was incredible to learn new ways that I never knew existed.

Our very first speaker was matriarchal elder from Kombumerri land…. Cherie.

We started by giving thanks to the land and we got to listen some traditional aboriginal songs.

We heard about the ways that they have given birth in the creek on the Gold Coast that they call in for their traditional Birthing Waters. It was such an amazing experience and I felt so honoured to be part of this and learn.

One of the most important factors of postpartum recovery is rest. This allows your body to heal on its own.

Let’s be honest, the female body is phenomenal. Women’s bodies can create life, house them, grow them and give birth in whichever way baby may arrive .

If we truly take a moment to think about the fact that your body has grown a human inside of you, it’s magical!

Whilst growing a baby, the body enables stretching of the ligaments and structural base of the womb. If you birth a baby naturally, your cervix open for baby to arrive and once baby has arrived within seconds the cervix closes back down again…. this is simply magical.

Here is a photo showing the sizing of the womb. After baby has arrived, the womb is still between 1kg to 1.5 kg, so with that much added weight inside your body, rest is even more important.


Womb Sizing Postnatal Recovery Post Part Healing


Your body goes through a lot of work in those nine months and we need to allow it to simply rest once your baby has arrived.

Rest will allow your body to heal by itself in time, so if you can try to rest for three weeks postpartum.

My advice is to start organising your postpartum plan whilst you are pregnant. Arrange some support to look after your other children, organise who will cook food and bring it to you and do the cleaning and the laundry.

We truly need to honour our body and give it time to heal.

During the rest phase,  you’re also creating a bond with your baby which is so incredibly special and also needed for your baby’s social and developmental skills later in life.

Bonding and attachment is vital for both mama and baby’s wellness, physically and mentally.

So while you get to heal and be with your baby in bed for those three weeks you’re also creating the foundation for your baby at the same time.

The saying ‘it takes a village‘ is so true.

Pregnancy, birth and postpartum is such a sacred journey and we should honour it in the simplest yet most effective way…… with rest.

You might also like to read Your Holistic Postnatal Recovery Checklist.

Much love,

Jess Ngaheu Pregnancy and Post Natal Massage Specialist

Jess Ngaheu
Maternal Bodywork Specialist

Book a session with me here. 

Birth Hormones: What are they and how do they work?

Birth Hormones : What are they and how do they work?

Birth Hormones: What are they and how do they work?Birth Hormones : What are they and how do they work?


Hormones are such an amazing part of the human body. You and your baby are born with the ability to start labour, give birth, breastfeed and become deeply attached to each other via bonding with the flow of hormones running through your body.

It is very important that your health care providers and therapists are fully aware of the hormones that are present during pregnancy and understand not only how they work but also which ones need to be avoided.


Also known as the “Love Hormone,” oxytocin helps to increase uterine activity or contractions of the womb. Oxytocin stimulates the uterine muscles to contract and also increase production of prostaglandins which increase the contractions further.

There are ways that you can help the natural production of oxytocin during labour and birth:

  • Staying calm, comfortable and confident
  • Avoiding unwelcome people or noises
  • Staying upright and using gravity so baby can press against your cervix. Then as baby is born, against the pelvic floor tissues
  • Stimulating your nipples or clitoris before birth
  • Avoiding epidurals
  • Giving your baby a chance to breastfeed shortly after birth.

I remember when Vera-Rose was born the midwife placed her on my chest and she found her way straight to the breast and started suckling…. it was an amazing experience. I highly recommend you do this and let your midwife know this before you give birth. Then once baby is latched, do not let anyone interfere with you. Have that first moment with your little one. It starts the foundation of what is to come between you and your beautiful baby.


When you are going through some stress or pain, your body can produce calming and pain-relieving hormones called endorphins.  You may have higher levels towards the end of your pregnancy.

For woman who don’t use pain medication during labour, the levels can steadily rise through the birth of your baby. Studies have found a sharp drop in endorphin levels with use of epidurals.

High endorphin levels during labor and birth can produce an altered state of consciousness that can help you deal with the process of giving birth, even if it is long and challenging. High endorphin levels can make you feel alert, attentive and even euphoric after birth, as you begin to get to know and care for your baby.

In this early postpartum period, endorphins are believed to play a role in strengthening the mother-infant relationship. A drop in endorphin levels at this time may contribute to the “blues” or postpartum depression, that many women experience for a brief time after birth.

You can enhance your body’s production of endorphins during labor and birth by:

  • Staying calm, comfortable and confident.
  • Avoiding disturbances, such as unwelcome people or noise and uncomfortable procedures.
  • Delaying or avoiding epidural or opioids for pain relief.

Adrenaline is the “fight or flight” hormone that humans produce to help ensure survival. Women who feel threatened during labor (for example, by fear or severe pain) may produce high levels of adrenaline. Adrenaline can slow labor or stop it altogether. Earlier in human evolution, this disruption helped birthing women move to a place of greater safety.

Too much adrenaline can cause problems in labor and birth by:

  • Causing distress to the baby before birth.
  • Causing contractions to stop, slow or have an erratic pattern, and lengthening labor.
  • Creating a sense of panic and increasing pain in the mother.
  • Leading health care providers to respond to these problems with caesarean surgery and other interventions.

You can keep adrenaline down during labor and birth by:

  • Staying calm, comfortable and relaxed.
  • Being informed and prepared.
  • Having trust and confidence in your body and your capabilities as a woman.
  • Having trust and confidence in your care providers and birth setting.
  • Being in a calm, peaceful and private environment and avoiding conflict.
  • Being with people who can provide comfort measures, good information, positive words and other support.
  • Avoiding intrusive, painful, disruptive procedures.


Prolactin is known as the “mothering” hormone. The role of prolactin around the time of birth has been less researched than the hormones described above. It increases during pregnancy and peaks when labor starts on its own.

As has been shown in other mammals, continued prolactin production during and after labor appears to be readying a woman’s body for breastfeeding. It may also play a role in moving labor along and helping the newborn adjust to life outside the womb.

Prolactin is central to breast milk production. High levels of prolactin with early breastfeeding may foster women’s caretaking behaviors and adjustment to being a mother. This hormone may also support the infant’s healthy development.

Low levels of prolactin may cause problems through:

  • Poorer transition of the baby at the time of birth.
  • Poorer growth and development of the baby.
  • Poorer adjustment of a woman to motherhood.

You can likely promote your body’s production of prolactin by:

  • Waiting for labor to start on its own.
  • Minimizing stress during labor and after birth.
  • Keeping woman and baby together after birth.
  • Breastfeeding early and thereafter on cue from the baby.


As you can probably tell from the information above, some features of typical hospital childbirth settings, like noise or medical interventions, can interfere with your body’s natural processes. To avoid this and maximize your body’s ability to follow its natural processes, it’s a good idea to seek out a birth setting that supports this.

Out-of-hospital birth settings and one-on-one continuous labor support, such as doula care, can help create conditions that enhance your body’s natural production of helpful hormones and keep disturbing hormones in check. You can also create your own birthing room. And if you are birthing within the hospital you have every right to design that room how you wish. You can take your own music, have photos or birth affirmations in that room.

I have many contacts for some beautiful doulas and if you would like some information on them, then please reach out.

Your birth can be how you wish it to be and I truly wish I knew all of the information I know now, before I birthed my son Hawaiki.

You might like to help your body get ready for birth with my Labour Preparation Experience.

While in labour, the following products can also assist:

Labour and Birth Flower Essence Blend

Full Bloom Pregnancy and Labour Herbal Tea

Metamorphosis: Intention Candle for Birthing

Empowered Birth Balm

Much love,

Jess Ngaheu Pregnancy and Post Natal Massage Specialist
Maternal Bodywork Specialist

Book a session with me here.



Hoslitic Postnatal Postpartum Recovery

Your Holistic Post Natal Recovery Checklist

Holistic Postnatal Postpartum Recovery

Your Holistic Post Natal Recovery Checklist


A nourishing post natal period has so many benefits, for both mama and baby, so today I wanted to share your holistic post natal recovery checklist with some things I think are imperative for EVERY mama.

Centuries ago the recovery phase for postpartum was HUGE! So much was given to the mother to recover. Everything was taken care of in the home when the baby arrived so the mother and baby could bond, rest and recover.

Mamas were given massages daily and nutritious food was cooked to help repair the postpartum body. Our bodies go through so much change, physically, emotionally and spiritually to give birth to a baby.

Whether baby has arrived vaginally, caesarean or assisted…..mums need to be taken care of!  Somewhere along the way this precious healing time has been lost in the expectation that we need to bounce back and get on with life. In fact, without adequate recovery, you can risk adrenal burnout, heavy bleeding, breast infections and postpartum depression.

I love that there is gradually more awareness and respect for the postpartum recovery and mamas are starting to look after them selves during this period. I also think it’s important to have a holistic perspective to the fourth trimester as birthing is such a whole mind, body and soul experience!

So, here are some things I think are great to think about for your post natal recovery checklist:


This one might be obvious, but it’s maybe the most important. I am talking about full bed rest and lots of sleep here, not just ‘taking it easy.’ Many Eastern cultures have a tradition of six weeks of absolute bed rest after you give birth! However, I do recommend a little gentle movement in addition to your rest.


Hydration is incredibly important as labour causes a lot of water loss in the body. It also helps with breastfeeding, preventing constipation and repairing the body. You might want to have Postpartum Healing Herbal Tea as some of your water quota.


It’s incredibly important to eat nourishing, warm, nutrient-dense foods in your fourth trimester. There are some great resources around including the book The First Forty Days by Heng Ou.

Foods like bone broth, soups, stews, good sources of protein and eggs and healthy, whole foods are vital. Check out these Postpartum Healing Bone Broth Powder and Strips that have been specially formulated with herbs and foods for post natal nourishment. Bliss balls and trail mix make great snacks!


Postnatal postpartum bodywork specialist Gold Coast

You knew I was going to say this, didn’t you??? Postnatal massage is so supportive and nurturing and assists your body in the recovery process. Check out my Postnatal Healing Experience – I come to your home for four tailored sessions that include restoring core and pelvic floor, pelvic floor strengthening, breathwork and meditation.


Set up a support team to help you recover! This might look like family and friends to help with housework and cooking while you recover, a postnatal bodywork specialist and a postpartum doula. You can read about one of my mama’s experience here.

Finding a mother’s group can also help you in the months after birth. Surrounding yourself with like-minded mamas can be your saviour!


Mother Nature has so many beautiful traditional herbs to help our postnatal recovery. You can drink nourishing herbal tea, use herbs to heal the perineum area as well as using herbal balms on your body.


Nurturing yourself and supporting your emotional well-being is also a really important aspect of postnatal healing. While the ‘baby blues’ are normal, it’s important to take care of your mental health.

Becoming a mother is a huge transition and it may bring up all sorts of feelings and emotions.

My Postpartum Flower Essences and Intention Candles are helpful in supporting your emotional wellbeing. Placenta encapsulation can also be helpful for stabilising emotions (as well as physical recovery). Consider meditation and breath work or even just listening to some calming music to keep you relaxed.

Baby Massage

Once your baby is six weeks old, baby massage is one beautiful way you can connect and bond with your new baby and support your mental and emotional wellbeing. There are just so many benefits of baby massage!

My Holistic Baby Massage Classes are starting very soon and I would love to support you and your baby.


I would love to hear what else has helped you in your postpartum recovery! What should I add to your holistic postnatal recovery checklist?

Leave me a comment or chat to me on social media.

Much love,


Jess Ngaheu Pregnancy and Post Natal Massage Specialist


Jess Ngaheu

Maternal Bodywork Specialist

Book a session with me here.